
4 pieces of advice for mental health

4 pieces of advice for mental health I have learnt to consider over time.

1. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to believe that love is the finding the right person when in reality love is about is becoming the right person. The people who deserve will gravitate towards you.

2. Stop being afraid of spending money as your time on this planet is a gift. You can always get your money back but time is something you cannot get back.

3. Most of life is about showing up. If you show up there is a chance something might happen, you will never know what opportunities you will miss out on. Just go out and do it.

4. There will always be problems in your life. You will always have conflict going on in your life. You must learn to enjoy life while still solving them. 

- There is beauty in everything we experience you just need to adjust your perception and realise that beauty.

- You can either cry in the storm or dance in the rain.

- Love people when you can as there is no guarantee for tomorrow.

Shine Bright 


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